If Christine Ford is lying, what could her motivation possibly be?

There's a possibility that it is some sort of delusion or false memory. She was drunk, by her own admission. But what could her motivation be? She has already gotten death threats, and has really put herself on the line.

Personally I think she's telling the truth, or believes she is telling the truth. But other than that she would have had to have been bribed, blackmailed, or have a pathological hatred for Kavanaugh. That's all I can think of anyway.

Added (1). Here's the letter she wrote

It wouldn't be the first time a witness has made a mistaken identification. LOL

She was paid out the ying-yang

She s a DNC operative who also has a personal animosity issue with Kavanaugh's mother. Maybe she is being paid but more likely she views falsely accusing Kavanaugh as doing her part in the "struggle" by the Left to destroy the USA.

I don't see any statements from her. Can you link them?

… Thats it?

To pretend that there are not riches, political and otherwise, to be earned is just idiotic. "Why would a President Trump hater lie about someone President Trump selected for a position". There, now your biased question is more truthfully worded.

"Personally I think she's telling the truth" as does every Liberal. Strange that, tens of millions of people and they ALL believe Ford, a self-confessed President Trump hater, when any unbiased person would be wondering about the timing, immediately after Democrats realised they were not going to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation. Personally, my favorite part of her act was the "Is he inadvertently going to kill me" Talk about playing the victim card.

Anita Hill has made a career out of making accusations against then supreme court nominee Clarence Thomas. She gets paid speaking gigs all the time and we all know who she is.

She may view herself as an anti Trump warrior and part of the resistance too. Why do you think she deleted her social media content before she went public? Maybe her postings would have made her accusations suspicious.

It is only political. She is a verified dem activist and Trump hater. Obviously, she did not care that her life and career as she knows it will never be the same. Maybe she is just crazy enough to not care who she hurts with her lies and agenda to take Trump down.

Maybe she hates him for something else he did (or she thinks he did), or maybe it's a case of mistaken identify, or maybe she's a partisan Democrat willing to lie for the team, or maybe she's being paid to lie, or maybe it's a false memory, or who knows?

You say she's "put herself on the line", but remember she initially tried to remain anonymous.

The demonrats might arrange an accident before she can make a fool of them… My advise, she should stay out of Vince Foster Park.


Well she was going through marriage Counseling. I'm sorry but the faces she was making Playing dumb kind of She very smart PhD physiology physicist teacher And more If husband was leaving or something Make up stories they need to look into

My mom is like that sweet on one side but if they threw questions at her she would Crack Harvard this Yale that. I watched it sick feeling in my stomach My mom all over again same look Can't explain it you have to meet my mom She crazy and two faced she needs to be treated like a lier for the truth

Sorry it's like a switch aww man Corner her watch what happens They need to talk to her husband