I think Trump should order the FBI to arrest and interrogate Christine Blasey Ford?

I think Trump should order the FBI to arrest and interrogate Christine Blasey Ford?

You're an idiot and it shows.

Despite it being out of their jurisdiction, arrest her for What?

She has not committed a crime, so she can't be arrested.

I think you are onto something here, but before they can arrest her the FBI has to make sure she is lying so will have to investigate her claims against Kavanaugh first.

So what made up crime should be be arrested for?

Arrest her on what charges?

BTW, she actually *WANTS* to talk to the FBI as part of their investigation because that's the proper procedure.

It's the Republicans who DON'T want an investigation.

That's not a question. Just a stupid opinion.

And if it turns out that Ford is telling the truth?

Is that a question? If so; I guess, Yes you do.