I have ford tarus can't call out?
I have ford tarus can't call out? - 1
Say what?
I also have a Ford Taurus and can't call out either. But that is because it's a 2001 model with no modern infotainment system on it.
- Why have feminists (who chirp, Feminism is for men, too! ) not condemned Clemintine Ford's call for androcide? https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/06/30/feminist-author-have-you-killed-any-men-today-and-if-not-why-not/
- If you have enough money, can you have a new classic car built? Like can I pay to have ford build me a 1970 Mustang? Lets say I don't want to buy an old car and restore it, I want a 1970 but straight off the factory line. Can you have a car built with the old style frame, engine, trans, etc?
- Who to call to have a stationary vehicle checked out? Didn't know how to really word the question. We've had a ford explorer that stopped working a year ago and has just been sitting in our driveway ever since. I'm sort of interested in seeing if it's repairable still (it hasn't moved - went through winter, spring, summer, and fall) but I have no clue who to call to come look at it. Any suggestions?