How to get a 1991 Ford 7.3L to smoke?

I have a 1991 Ford 7.3 IDI. I live in a small town filled with rednecks and country folk. All my buddies have diesels but they roll coal like no other. My pickup is the loudest in town but it only smokes when I take off in second gear. (5 speed). Any ideas besides turning the pump up to make it run richer?

You are looking for ways to pollute more? What the hell is the matter with you?

Put on an anti lag system. It works by reducing turbo lag and will make the truck spit fire and smoke like a demon. I have one on my evo

That engine is largely mechanically controlled vs. The later powerstrokes. So yeah, manually increasing the fuel pump rate/pressure is about the only way you're going to do this, short of the plastic bag over the air filter trick. Your actual performance won't improve at all. No offense but the non-turbo 7.3L is pretty much a dog. If you actually wanted to do something beneficial, I suggest getting a Banks turbo kit for it.