How much money should I expect to get from selling my 2005 Ford Fivehundred without a transmission?

I've been trying to sell my car for a while, and I had a guy offer $350 for it as his final offer. That's a lot less than I was hoping to get out of it, but I also haven't received many offers. On the other hand, I could sell it to a junk yard/ junk car company, and possibly get more money out of it. Half of me is wanting to be nice and sell it to the guy because he really wants it, but the other half is telling me to try junk yards for more money. What should I do

Maybe a few hundred for parts.

Go for where the most money is.

Get the highest bid from several junk yards and show it to that guy and if he wants it he can buy it for that amount.

Any non running car is only worth what someone will pay you fr it. $300-400 sounds about right. They are going to have to tow it away. I don't think a junkyard is going to give much more for it and maybe less.

With no tranny, it's worth its weight in scrap. You might get up to $400 for it, but that's a really big maybe.

A car is always worth more to its owner than it is to anyone else, always. A car that doesn't run isn't worth much to anybody.

Junkyard depends on what the price of scrap is going for at that moment. Should of taken that 350. Three weeks ago junked my wife's old 05 Santa Fe they only gave us 100 bucks for it and only problem with that was the New England rust that killed the body. But you're not going to get much more than 500 trying to sell it. Unless you want to sell parts of it

You should have taken the $350. Not likely a junk yard will give you much if any more than that. Something you can do and may be better for you would be to donate the car (Goodwill, etc.) and write the car off on your taxes.

What makes you think a junk yard is going to give you any more money? The car is garbage! DUMP IT NOW!

$350 is a good price. $200 better that most junkyards will give for your POS.

Buyers want a car that actually runs and that they can test drive. A vehicle without a transmission is only good for parts and the only buyers are those few that actually want/need those particular parts. You should have accepted the $350. You may not get a better offer.

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  • How much money should I expect to get out of a 2005 Ford Fivehundred w/o a transmission? I have this guy offering $350 as his final offer, should I sell it to him or try a junkyard/ junk car company? I want to be nice and sell to him bc he really wants it, but I also don't know if I can get more money out of my car. I mean it only has 129xxx miles and all the other parts are good besides the transmission.