How many night will little meek Dr. Ford end up on the talk shows and cable news this week?

How many night will little meek Dr. Ford end up on the talk shows and cable news this week?

I feel chatty now that I have a book deal.

What does that have to do with the veracity of her claims? In any case you're setting up a straw man, coward.

There's only one more day in the week. So probably none.


I hear she's going on a speaking tour with Hillary

She was too flaky a victim to be credible so probably very few, including the View won't have her.

Would predict none.
She is obvious not in this to become the next Kardashian.

Zero is my guess, she isn't in this for media attention or money. Face it, she really is who she appears to be.

It's going to be tough with her book in the works, but she'll manage somehow.