How did Ford pardon Nixon when the US Constitution says presidents can't pardon for impeachment?

"The President… Shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

There's only one exception to pardons: impeachment. There's no exception that says "and also if the impeachment was not yours".

So it's a fragrant violation of the US Constitution.

No, that's ridiculous.

Nixon resigned

Because Nixon resigned before he could be impeached. Trump is welcome to do the same.

Frangrant? Like the smell of a feckless cuunt?

Nixon resigned before he could be impeached. Thus, the impeachment provision was not relevant.

Nixon was never impeached.

No it isn't, because Nixon was no longer president when Ford pardoned him, impeachment trial is to remove the president from offic, Nixon wasn't in office anymore so the impeachment talk was no more, they could have gone after him for his crimes still but it would not be through Congress anylonger, so it was all legal.

In fact Nixon was never impeached, he was going to be but he resigned before that happened.

This answer should be obvious but I guess it's not. The impeachment wasn't pardoned. Nixon resigned.

Thanks for playing.

What a "fragrant" violation of common sense.

The crime was Abuse of Power.

Nixon as never impeached. He resigned before the house can start the process.

Ford pardons Nixon for any and all crimes that he might have committed as the president so there was no chance that Nixon would go to jail.