How can I get a job at ford as a Assembly/line or should I go to tech school like uti?
I'm 19 years old and about to graduate from high school I'm into cars and I want to know everything about them what kind of experience will I need to get a job into these companies.
Find something else to do kid.
Visit website for actual info on careers jobs in demand paying good money instead of wild guesses here.
Libraries got books on how to figure out what you want to be when grown up.
USE the libraries.
Plenty of jobs careers that PAY substantial amount more than Ford assembly line.
Well I'm not super familiar with the Auto industry, but if I were you, I'd avoid going to UTI. UTI is a for-profit institution which means they're more interested in your money. It is essentially over-priced.
You're better of going to a local CC and enrolling in their automotive program than UTI. It is usually many, many times cheaper.
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