How can anyone say Christine Blasey Ford has agreed to testify when she hasn't agreed to the Senates conditions?

Her team can simply refuse to compromise on the format of her testimony and delay forever

She can complain 'til the cows come home for all I care…

Women will be very angry if she is prevented from testifying during the hearings.

5 yard penalty - delay of game

Easy- she has agreed to do it- the details are yet to be worked out.

We should all welcome learning what the truth of this matter is.

Let them delay this diversion all they want.

Just vote on the confirmation of an esteemed, articulate Judge with an impeccable character and spotless record.

That's how the REAL world has sized up Kavanaugh.

Democratic victims of their own paranoia have allegations circling their heads like cartoon birds.

Reality is more conducive to justice.

Today is Saturday. Are you going to make it all the way till Thursday? I really don't understand the urgency. Is this one if those "30 minutes or your next Supreme Court nomination is free" type of scenarios? You've got until late January before the speculated blue-wave even could take office, if they somehow win the senate; and even then they won't be able to do anything but confirm or deny whoever Trump nominates. The only way Republicans can lose here, would be to confirm an unfit candidate that you're stuck with till he dies. So do your homework and be thorough. Maybe vet the next one before nominating him, so you can skip the circus.

She has and will.

Ford agreed to testify to the FBI, Kavanaugh did not because lying to the FBI can get you put in jail.