Has Ford climbed out from under the bus Feinstein tossed her under after 45 day hold of her letter only then to have it leaked to the press?

Has Ford climbed out from under the bus Feinstein tossed her under after 45 day hold of her letter only then to have it leaked to the press?

Christy Ford is heavily medicated, in a Delaware beach town

Nope, she'll NEVER live this down! Her name is mud forever!

The fact that Ford had her internet and social media history professionally scrubbed weeks before the " leak " says to me she never really intended to remain anonymous.

Feinstein didn't leak it. The reporter has made it clear that the leak didn't come from Feinstein's office. It could have come from any one of several other sources. (My guess is the office of the representative Ford first contacted, or her lawyer's office.) Feinstein promised Ford the confidentiality she demanded -- which meant an investigation was impossible -- and kept that promise until the leak occurred.

As for how Ford is doing now, no one here is in a position to know.

The FBI report said that Feinstein's office did not leak the letter, another right wing lie exposed.

But you're a good little trump solider lying for your dear leader.