Ford tarus m going change my transmission gasket an filter, how many quarts do it take refill completely
Ford tarus m going change my transmission gasket an filter, how many quarts do it take refill completely
As many as you takes outs from its.
Drain into a catch container. Measure the drained fluid, put the same amount back. Check the level according to the manual.
Ask the auto store counter person to look up the ATF capacity while you're picking up the new ATF filter and fluid.
Somewhere between 2 and 47. Just add one at a time until it's full.
- How long will it take to put a head gasket in a 2000 ford taurus? Just need to know cuz my husband is workin on one for someone else so he can charge them the right price
- Looking for your opinion So I'm a mechanic i replace my head gasket on my 1996 ford ranger 2.3 gasket the head bolts the hole 9 yards I torqued the head 51 to 90 ft pounds and the sequence was 51 to 60 to 80 90 so I don't know if i should re torque head bolts or leave it? I'm afraid if i torque them again one will break what do you think paul?