Ford stated she was 15, had been drinking when she attended the party without parental supervision. Does a well educated teenager do that?

Ford stated she was 15, had been drinking when she attended the party without parental supervision. Does a well educated teenager do that?

Back then, yes

A drunk one does that. Drunk ones have hallucinations all the time.

What was Kavanaugh doing?

How many "well educated teenagers" do you know?

A typical teen would do that.

Ford has no memory of going to the party.
Ford has no memory of leaving the party
Ford has no memory what year of the party
Ford has no memory of what month of the party
Ford has no memory of even what house she was in

Yet the dems blast Kavanaugh for high school drinking. Serious?

Yes. But what is amazing is that you get a glimpse of the social life of the upper crust, in particular the percentages of the ones that turn out to be less than hoped for, damaged and non-recovered.

Look at the facts.

The Legal drinking age was 18.
High school seniors were legal drinkers
They had party's
Other teenagers would come

Back then I would assume drinking at 15 would be an normal occurrence.
