Ford said a hand was over her face but yet she is 100 percent sure it was Cavanaugh. How can you know if you can't see?

Ford said a hand was over her face but yet she is 100 percent sure it was Cavanaugh. How can you know if you can't see?

Smell is the most powerful memory inducer.

Are yiu trolling or just really ignorant?

Was she blind before he placed his hand on her face?

That must be a big hand if it covered both her mouth so she couldn't scream and covered her eyes as well. I bet Trump is jealous.

OK follow the instruction put a hand on your face covering your mouth. Can you see? Now have someone stumble over to you and do it, can you tell who did it?

Stay in school.

Because you're forgetting who locked the bedroom door!

Kavanaugh is spelled with a K, LeRoy.

Professor Christine Blasey Ford did not say Brett Kavanaugh's hand was "over my face"---she said he covered her mouth when she screamed, trying to prevent anyone from hearing her. The then-15-year-old Christine Blasey had been to a nearby Country Club that both she and Brett Kavanaugh's family had memberships for, and there was an impromptu party at a rich kid's private home in the area, according to the sketch of a map Professor Ford had drawn for her testimony. On the handwritten Brett Kavanaugh "calendar" of events there were numerous records of partying with the people named in Professor Ford's under-oath statemen, to include "P.J." and Mark Judge. Now that the Senate Judiciary Committee has agreed to do what Grassley and Trump had previously blocked and ask the FBI to INVESTIGATE the other complaints as well as Professor Ford's detailed account from 1982.

It was over her mouth, and only after the assault was in progress.

She is 100% sûre that it is maybe him