Ford has now named FOUR credible witnesses to her alleged assault by Kavanaugh. All 4 say they have no idea what she is talking about?

How can anyone take this deranged mental patient seriously

This ploy to get rid of Kavanaugh is in the same mold as every Liberal trick they have pulled for the past 10 years. When will you suckers get sick of them.

Sex abuse is now one of those crimes where an accusation is always assumed to be true, the accused is guilty until proven innocent, and there doesn't necessarily need any physical evidence. Like the child sex abuse scandal with the Catholic church. Some of those cases are past 40 years gone; and the Church is paying out millions in Sunday donations.

But let me guess, every Clinton conspiracy is 100 percent true and people only dismissed them because they were afraid.

Let's face it, these accusations may be fake but we'll never be the pros.

I don't think she is deranged. She is just so fanatically anti-Trump that she is willing to lie under oath to avoid ANY appointment to the SCOTUS

ATTEMPTED assault! CITE YOUR SOURCES. Other side, YOU are the mental all patient t and you have ZILCH credibility. Like ALL bullies, you are pathologizing an abuse SURVIVOR with NO evidence.