Can I tow with a Ford Focus Zetec TD136? I wanna know if I can tow my caravan with it? I can't see where a tow bar wild attach underneath?

Can I tow with a Ford Focus Zetec TD136? I wanna know if I can tow my caravan with it? I can't see where a tow bar wild attach underneath?

Added (1). *would

Ahh… NO!

Every car comes with a owners manual. Towing is in the book, look it up.

For a few miles. Of course, trailer sale parks use golf carts to tow small trailers. That doesn't mean they can hit the open road.

I'd prefer to use something with more beef. See this article:

The key question is how well can you stop in an emergency without having the caravan pushing your car off the road. How lucky do you feel?

You need to look up the safe towing capacity rated for your vehicle, which I'm guessing may not be more than 1000-2000 pounds. If nothing else, call the service department of your local dealership and see if they can look that information up. If your caravan exceeds those ratings, it is not a good idea possibly even for short trips because it would put a tremendous amount of load on the engine and gearbox and potentially cause problems there, plus braking distance increases even if your caravan has axle brakes that you can activate with a controller in the interior of your vehicle.

From a Ford Focus (you don't mention the year, but I doubt it matters) owner's manual - page 217 in the source - "WARNING: Never tow a trailer with this vehicle. Your vehicle is not equipped to tow. No towing packages are available through an authorized dealer."

It appearing as a warning says it all… Don't do it.