Can I just replace the rod bearings without having the crank turned?

I have a 2000 ford ranger that has a 3.0L V6 flex fuel. A salvage engine cost 1600-1800 which I found absurd since they all have within 40000 miles of the engine in my truck. It has developed a very slight rod knock. It is not even noticeable unless you pull a plug wire off and then it's loud. So, my question is, can I just buy a set of standard sized rod bearing and drop the pan and replace them, or would I have to have my crank turned and buy new connecting rods and undersized bearings? A set of rod bearing is only like 27 bucks. I was going to replace the rear main seal anyways. So, what's your're opinion? Any help would be appreciated since I'm not a professional rebuilder or anything…

Sure, It's worth a try. I've done it… Slightly better than 50% success rate.

If the bearing(s) have not spun then there's a good chance you would get by just replacing them. Once you get a rod end cap off look to see if there are any deep scratches to the crank or inside the rod ends. If they are not wore that much than you could probably get by with a little fine emery cloth to the crank and replacing the bearing

Technically you should mike the crank. But I don't understand why you're taking this approach especially since you're talking about replacing the rear main. You have to drop the transmission to do that. Why not install a reman crank kit and eliminate the possibility of ever having to go back in a second time?