Financial aid after rehab?

Thank you for taking the time and helping me with this issue. I was at the Betty Ford Center for 2 months in Rancho Mirage, California and now I a m currently back home in Los Angeles doing a Intensive Outpatient Program for 6 months. I'm having huge financial issues due to lawyers, paying for treatment programs, court fees etc. I haven't had a job in 4-5 years and can't find a job that will be sufficient enough to support me currently due to my IOP schedule. I remember my counselor at the Betty Ford mentioning that I can apply for financial aid from the good ole government. Would this be unemployment benefits or social security benefits\disability? If anyone could help me out with some information, that would be wonderful. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

67 days sober

One day at a time

No job for over 4 years, thus no unemployment.

To collect from Social Security benefits, then you must be age 62 or older.

Disability is the same, have to be disabled and a judge has to rule that you CAN'T do any job, since disabled.

The only financial aid you (might) be able to apply for would be food stamps, Medicaid (health insurance), or section 8 (housing).

Congrats and good luck on your recovery. It would be pretty hard to try to claim unemployment insurance after 4-5 years. This counselor is probably talking about welfare, food aid, medicaid and if needed public housing. Hopefully you don't need the latter as the list for section 8 housing in L.A. County is about 11 years long.