How can I feel better for not having a car?

This is more of just a way for me to vent, but I'd also like some possible solutions. Let me start by saying I'm a 17-year-old senior in high school. Most upperclassmen at my school have cars, even the juniors who are younger than me. It sucks. I have to stand outside in the freezing cold to catch the bus every morning, meanwhile all these other kids get to drive to school. The bus drivers at my school also suck and skip me all the time, like this morning. They literally just drive past me. It's so unfair.

I know it sounds like I'm just complaining about first-world problems, which I'm, but it just sucks. Some of these kids don't even do their homework and don't even really "deserve" their cars. Some kids even have luxury cars - not Audis or Lexuses (even though some do have those), but legit luxury cars. I don't even care about driving that much, but it just sucks feeling like a loser who has to take the bus to school everyday, haha. :/ Only the freshmen and sophomores take the bus.

Anyway, is there anything anyone can say to help me feel even a little better? Like, are there any benefits, ANY at all for not having a car? All I have is my stupid permit, and when I do get my license, I can't afford a car like they can haha. :/

Life is not always fair, even for adults. The good things in life come easy to some, and harder for others. If you have the desire, the willingness to work for it, and the patience to wait, good things will come to you too.

By finishing college, getting a well paying job and then buying a new luxury car too.

Jealousy, table for one please. Who are you to decide who "deserves" a car and who doesn't? You sound like a whiner. Benefits to not having a car? You will save money because owning and/or driving a car is very expensive.

NOT having a car when all your friends/peers do makes YOU unique, special and careful with your money.

Bus drivers are passing you by because they don't want to listen to your whining. Do like the rest of us did, GET A JOB and save up your money.