I just bought Ford 150, 2019 LT. It's badass went high end. My friend drinks girly Coors and not Bud. Why do people drink Coors?

I just bought Ford 150, 2019 LT. It's badass went high end. My friend drinks girly Coors and not Bud. Why do people drink Coors?

Added (1). Sorry - bud is a bit girly sensitive

Added (2). You talk **** about bud and I;ll turn off anonymous and kick your ***

Why do people drink commercial bland tasting mass produced beer when there are excellent craft and local beers to be had?

Why do people drink Bud
it is all just alcohol flavoured water

Coors and Bud? Those are both weakass slop.

Where I live, Coors and Bud are strictly for the elderly and small children. Even the girls drink stronger beer than that.

Go ahead, turn off your troll status and put your boots on. I'll even get you a stepladder so you can reach.

People can drink what ever they like… What's it to you?

Budweiser is mass produced garbage. Just like a Ford 150.

Budweiser, Coors, Miller, and any other "macro brew" all suck. Ever hear the joke that goes "What does American beer and sex in a canoe have in common? They are both f**king close to water"
Try a beer that actually has some flavor and some skill and thought went into its brewing. Some good entry level craft beers are in the link below, although I'm partial to anything by Full Sail brewery since its made in my hometown.

Because it tastes better than that Buds*** but only by a little
Both are pretty nasty

Doesn't the owner's manual of your badass pickup truck include tips on what beer to drink while you roll coal on some unsuspecting Prius driver?

I don't understand why people drink Coors, but if drinking Buttwiper shouldn't be talking.

ps: Why are you hiding anon? Is this friend of yours someone you met at a trump rally?

Advertising. People see the ads showing everyone enjoying a nice cold coors, and forget that it's one of the worst tasting beers out there.