Does this sound like a bad/worn CV axle shaft?

I took my vehicle into a front end shop because I was having bad vibrations in my front end, and in my steering wheel. A little bit in the gas pedal as well. The shop said I had a bad front differential, and a bad driver side axle shaft. I do know that I don't have any symptoms of a bad front differential. No noises whatsoever. All I have is a vibration in the front end, and in the steering wheel. I have had my tires balanced, and had an alignment here recently. Not the issue! Again there are no noises whatsoever like a howl, roar.etc There does feel like a little bit of scraping/grinding as I'm pushing on the gas pedal though. If I do indeed have a bad driver side CV axle shaft, there isn't any clicking noises when I make turns, or go around curves. I just don't think it's my CV axle shaft because all I have is a vibration & lite scraping. I could be wrong though!

2000 Ford Explorer 5.0 AWD/V8

Get the wheel balance rechecked, 99% of front vibration comes from out of balance wheels, get the rears checked as well