Why does my car feel like it has no second gear?

I own a 1992 ford escort 1.9L that has quite a few problems
-stalls on right turns with low fuel
-feel like second is non existent
-fuel gauge reads 1/4 of tank and dies
-trouble shifting
-trouble getting up hills
-trouble accelerating
-problem of speed occurs right around 25-50mph
I've replaced the fuel pump housing and know it has a clogged catalytic converter, an exhaust leak at the manifold, and that's all I know, if you have any insight to any of these questions please help

Seems like a lot of problems. Your fuel gauge/sending unit might be incorrect.

It sounds like it needs a good tune up. Air filter, spark plugs, distributor cap, rotor, spark plug wires, and run a good fuel injector cleaner like seafoam in the tank(found at walmart).