Why do brain surgeons go to school when all you need to do is be a liberal, and follow the talking points?

There seems to be no end of liberal brain experts here and all over the country. They are convinced that they know all about trauma and how it affects memories. I mean, without that in-depth knowledge, Ford's story would not add up, right?

Have you had a trauma?

You kind of remember that **** real well

Yet another regressive speaks out against education. No wonder they need someone else to do their thinking for them.

A liberal is a brain surgeon who's had a lobotomy.

Do not confuse the physical modification of the brain with psychological empathy.

Trump promised a thorough investigation. But the FBI did not even interview kavanaugh. This was a sham. If brett gets confirmed it is proof the republicans on congress are complicit in trumps treason. It will be time to start the revolution to save America from a Russian takeover.

No, liberals aren't all brain surgeons, they just seem that way because they're all much smarter than you are. You see, intellectual capacity and cognitive development are traits most associated with Democrats and other left leaning political activists. However, while this paradox might fill you with a rush of incertitude, fear not, for academia stands as a staunch advocate for the advancement of a sound education; even for you!

Separate fields of study, surprised more libs didn't mention it.

We don't know ALL about it. But without being chemists, we know how eggs cause a pumpkin pie to finish. So why not know about trauma a little? We could not do brain surgery, so your question is absurd. By the way, have you found a neurologist, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist, or psychologist to refute the received opinion?

Real life experience does still have have value
In 1972 I had a motorcycle accident as I was trying to avoid being hit by a car
All I remember about that accident was saying " Oh shat!" as i was going down and waking up in a hospital four days later.
A couple of three years later I ran into the EMT that peeled me off the pavement
He said that he recognized me and that I was talking to him
I asked him what I said
He said that I told him that I was in shock, badly injured But if he could get me to a hospital that I would be OK
Forty six years later I still can't remember that conversation