Does it matter that all of Mrs Ford's wittiness all said Mr. Kavanaugh was never their at the party when the assualt supposedly happen?

Does it matter that all of Mrs Ford's wittiness all said Mr. Kavanaugh was never their at the party when the assualt supposedly happen?

Lies! I'd post anonymously if I was lying too. LOL!

I don't find them very witty at all.

I don't care

Even if he is completely innocent, the US media has so ruined his name by reporting on the side of the women, the Senate will hesitate to approve his nomination. He is now tainted even if he did nothing. That was pretty clever maneuvering by Democrats.

Not to worry! Kavanaugh could have phoned the assault in remotely.

Then they can't be her witnesses, can they? If that is what you mean.

Question makes no sense