Do you think this clock is cool in this old Ford?

Do you think this clock is cool in this old Ford?
Do you think this clock is cool in this old Ford

Interesting. How is it powered? Do you have to physically wing it up?

Very cool clock

Love it.
All the accessories on older cars were so interesting.
In the early 50's, Oldsmobile had a clock built into one of the steering wheel spokes.

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  • 2008 Ford Focus radio and clock not working? I went into the car yesterday and started it up. The "FORD FOCUS" came on the clock as usual, but after that nothing appeared. Then i attempted to use the radio and it wouldnt work. If i pressed random buttons(pushing in the ok button a bunch of times) it would sometimes pop up like 12:00. I checked fuse box and the fuses were good. What could be causing this?