Do you believe Professor Dr. Christine Ford or do you believe Kavanaugh?
Do you believe Professor Dr. Christine Ford or do you believe Kavanaugh?
Dr. Ford
You really are fixated on this, aren't you.
I believe Dr. Ford.
Do you believe the lowly rated left wing professor from California or the highly distinguished federal Judge Bret Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh. Why didn't she come forward when he got nominated?
Kavanaugh. Ford's story is already coming apart. The liberals are doing the same thing to Kavanaugh as they did to Roy More.
They could both be telling the truth. Kavanaugh simply says he doesn't remember it.
It is possible that they are both telling the truth. Perhaps it did happen, but Kavanaugh does not remember. That happens, sometimes, when you are extremely drunk.
I know a few women that events like this happened to during high school, around the same time period. Although many are foggy on the exact details, they know the date and day it happened, the ones I know. Have not forgotten. The foggy details seem to be common. Then again, the ones i deal with have repressed the memory for most of their lives and then it came back and slapped them upside the head. Every one of them went into counseling not only to deal, but to try to get to the entire story. Every one of them at first, put a safe person in place of the one that actually attacked, it is a common defensive mechanism. These cases were made very public in the 90's due to the counseling actually altering the memory. Destroyed many a life before it was found to be what was happening.
Kavanaugh! Her story is full of holes. She is being exploited by the left to delay, delay, delay…
I believe Professor Ford may have been assaulted but I believe Kavanaugh is not the type of person that would do this and was raised such that this was reprehensible, that he honored the Lord and His commitment to not have sex until he was married and thus waited until late in college to have sex with his current wife or a woman he thought would be his wife. This is not in Brett Kavanaugh's DNA to do this. The way this has been presented and politicized shows me that is precisely the reason. In the absence of any facts, we must side with innocence until proven guilty or we will open a door to unfounded slander and accusations that could ruin people's lives simply from vindictiveness and hatred toward someone else. This can't be allowed!
Another ploy by the democratic party our system no longer works
Another democratic ploy
Of course I believe Dr. Ford and I'm sure some of the republicans do as well. Having worked as a counselor for 25 years, I can't tell you how many times I've been told of childhood sexual abuse that have never been reported or discussed before discussing it with me. But in the Ford Kavanaugh case, I only wonder what happened to reasonable doubt and why doesn't it apply here
The dems are counting on enough ignorant people to actually believe this crap, I used to have a bit of respect for them, even though I don't believe as they do, that's totally gone now, I think they're all crazy! (The sane ones have to be embarrassed by the things they do these days)
I was a business man for over forty years. I hired and fired many people and consider myself a good judge of character. Dr. Ford obiously has a mental problem. I find it difficult to believe other can't see this. Is everyone afraid to state the obvious. It's reprehensible the way she is being exploited.
I don't believe dr ford. She lied about her fear of flying and won't release her medical records, but is willing to ruin someone's life. She is making big money on go fund me when her lawyers are pro bono with all expenses paid.
A good mans life is ruined eijher way
Dr. Ford is a willing participant in this fraud… She has been carefully coached and rehearsed her role… She never needed a Kleenex during all her "near tears" testimony… Get real… I could do an acting job that good… For someone with a supposed PHD, she displayed absolute stupidity… This is the face of evil… A collective group of people who planned and publicly executed the destruction of one good man and his entire family! The Democrats are no longer an American political party… They are the enemy of all things American!
If you vote for Democrats… You are completely ignoring all that facts of how Democrats are low lives that will go to great unthinkable lengths to push their agenda, including destroying a good man's entire life! If you vote Democrat… You are the enemy of America!
I believe in Kavanaugh, it is a ploy to delay his nomination…
What about booker who admitted to grouping a girl at 15 lets do an investigation on him it is only fair…
This is really tough to say but seriously if Kavanaugh was you son or husband with this charge being thrown out to the public. Would you say - I believe her. Seriously, No Date, No place, not knowing how she got their or how she got home but she remembers drinking just 1 beer. What about the two front doors - the city permit - it seems - was for 2008. 4 years earlier than she stated when she started the project. It also seems to be a rental property - thus the 2 doors. I'm sure the FBI will check this out. But the part that scares me the most is that every boy in high school will now be considered a rapist for attempted the touch - kiss or hug during a date or intimate moment. The sick part - Booker the DEM from NJ admitted to such a situation - so is he a rapist or at least assaulted a woman. Are we telling boys in high school that they have to hear the words - you have my permission. People - I do not care if you are a dem or a rep but seriously you have now opened the crazy box for a lot of ex girlfriends to come after the ex on just a verbal or written charge. I'm glad I live in Europe.
The reason dr ford can't remember the facts because she was a drunken party girl… Check out her high school yearbook… How about a FBI background investigation on her.
Dr Ford is a professional. Well versed in what she is doing. She played the poor little school girl part to the hilt. Her father, brother and she worked for the CIA. She grew up in the start of the computer era and knows full well how to set up a go fund me account. "SHE IS A PROFESSOR" she is not dumb she is just a pawn that is being well paid just like her lawyers are by George Soros thorough Hill-Lier Clinton. Check out Katz's LLC company. It's funded by George Soros. B with a capital B… Billions. There's NO lack of money there.
I think this will eventually go to court in there home town. She will lose and I just hope Kavanaugh gets her for defamation of character. Trouble is time is not on the Republicans side. Mid term elections are getting close. Tell everyone you know to vote Democrats out of office. This has just been dirty filthy politics
I can't wrap my head around the crazy dems statements. I wonder if you all are aliens! From another planet that is. I hold the republicans accountable also. Spineless wimps. Time for real men to run our country. Thank God for Trump. The rest of you weasles need to go away
Anybody out their, if you have a copy of the year book of Dr. Christine Ford please publish on the internet.
Dr Ford
I believe Kavanaugh. Ford should be investigated totally. It is incomprehensible that she has a vivid memory of one beer, but can't remember how she arrived or left the party, or in whose house the party was held. My take on her… Mentally troubled with a penchant for political BS
Kavanaugh. Ford lied about fear of flying. He "thinks" she was 15 but obviously is not even sure about that. Who drove her, or did she drive herself. Was she on drugs? What was the "statement" the so-called polygraph said she did not lie about. The one before all those corrections or the one after all those corrections? How about the "witnesses" including her good friend. At least her friend, who believes her, is honest enough to say she does not remember any such party. In my opinion that does "refute" exactly as Kavanaugh said. I want the FBI to investigate Ford, the polygraph test and examiner, the lawyers, and the therapists. I want to know everything about this whole stinking mess. Kavanaugh was quite open about drinking at times to excess. So what? He busted his ass getting excellent grades, he excelled at sports, he did community service through his Church, he had many friends, the women who have worked with him and for him seem in general to revere him and support him -- but because there was some adolescent humor in a high school yearbook the Dem rats want to destroy him and his family. Use some common sense. Kavanaugh has been investigated numerous times and the FBI never found anything wrong. As for Ford, all I can say is after watching her testimony I would not trust her to tell me the time of day. Maybe it's not her fault. Maybe she is the victim of hypnosis and false memories. It has happened before. I say let the FBI investigate. If they find out anyone on the pro-Ford side, including politicians, therapists, or lawyers, have lied and schemed in order to destroy Kavanaugh, I hope they get prosecuted or at least have their careers ruined.
Who gave her a ride and who took her home
I believe Dr. Ford. Sexual predators like Kavanaugh are the biggest liars in the world. Look at Trump. Look At Weinstein. Look at Judge Thomas. Look at Cosby. These are sick sick people.
Having worked with women and children, 35 years! Who have been abused, I think the woman may have mental problems, or a woman scorned, She did not fit the profile, she may of been abused as a child by a father, grandfather or father figure.
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?
- Does anyone actually believe a stud like Kavanaugh would even party with an ugly duckling like Christine Ford? He probably didn't even realize she even existed. Probably walked right past her in the hallways.