Did you know that FBI stands for Ford's Broken Intelligence?
Did you know that FBI stands for Ford's Broken Intelligence?
I thought it was Female Breast Inspectors.
- We Southerners are not without our quarks. Did you know we drink Tabasco sauce like water? Do you know, Tabasco sauce is just booze of? Peppers? And that it can burn a hole through the leather of a Ford F-350? ' scott b: Since the 70's, most Southerners are just transplanted Northerners from the Rust Belt.
- Did you know Trumpsters are posting photos that supposedly show Christine Blasey Ford with George Soros, Harvey Weinstein,& Bill Clinton? One is of a Ukrainian human rights activist The rest are actually Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ford-george-soros/ To geniuses Jeffrey and "?" - the photo of Gillibrand and Weinstein were years before the allegations.
- Did you know that the direct flight from San Francisco to French Polynesia is 11 hours and 30 minutes? That's one of the many exotic locations Dr.Ford has gone to for fun. Isn't that a long time in the air for someone who claims to have a fear of flying?