Did Ford falsely accuse Kavanaugh because in her inebriated state she confused someone else for him?

Did Ford falsely accuse Kavanaugh because in her inebriated state she confused someone else for him?

She ois so ugly no one wanted her.

this is a woman scorned

I would think if something was SO horribly traumatic, you would remember exactly when, where and who. Get ready for her upcoming book "My High School Trauma"

Why do conservatives keep blaming the victim instead of calling out appalling behavior?

I think that she was at a drunken makeout party and freaked out. And, I can't believe this is even being talked about nationally, and has morphed into a Liberal us vs. Them cause, which Libs are good at doing.

No one knows one way or the other. No one knows whether Ford Rightly or Falsely accused Kavanaugh!

No one knows one way or another whether she was inebriated or totally sober.

No one knows whether there was someone else to confuse for him.

No one knows, so…

Are we going to know more on Monday?

I think she made it all up because she hates Republicans.

Not a chance, it was definitely Kavanaugh and he was the one that was too drunk to remember.



Looks that way to me.