Dr Ford resisted testifying because she said she was afraid to fly. But today we learn she flies around the world regularly. Is she stupid?
Dr Ford resisted testifying because she said she was afraid to fly. But today we learn she flies around the world regularly. Is she stupid?
She is lying.
So you believe in scrutinizing her a lot more carefully than candidates to the Supreme Court?
How ridiculous conservatism has become.
There are a lot of people who are scared of flying, but they do it because they have to. Some have a phobia, and will not fly.
She is a lying democrat plant to stop a good judge.
She admitted to flying frequently if that is what you mean
She flies despite her fears. Many people do.
Or mentally unbalanced… Or has a partisan agenda. Actually I could believe it to be a combination of the last two.
She is full of contradictions and switched scripts and story lines. She is totally unreliable and unconvincing as a victim or witness.
- Why are there more 70s and 80s chevy trucks than fords around today? I'm not trying to say ones better just a question did chevy make more than ford or something? I see alot of old chevys driving around my area and some fords but i never see dodges at all maybe one or two every once in a wile
- End result of the Ford testimony will be he said/she said with no evidence. So, who gets the benefit of the doubt? Do liberals throwing unsubstantiated mud always get to win? Unless, of course, the next telling of her story varies quite a lot from what we have heard so far.
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with. You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it. This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid! Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? - 1 Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?