Did Cristina Ford have over $200,000 in a go fund me account before she started accusing people of doing things to her?
Did Cristina Ford have over $200,000 in a go fund me account before she started accusing people of doing things to her?
Added (1). Gypsyfish- actually she doesn't want to confront him. In her "conditions" for telling her story she had demanded she not see him at all, and deny him his right to confront his accuser.
Added (2). ANON- actually she never named Kavanaugh to the therapist she was seeing because she has mental health issues.
Added (3). ANON- the democrats only opposed Clarence Thomas because he is black, and no other reason. That is why no democrat has put a black person on the high court in the 26 years since the republicans put Thomas on.
I don't know. I don't insert myself into strangers' lives. I ain't no Republican.
Apparently you are not too good at math
She told her husband and doctor about it YEARS ago. She did not start nor does she own this account.
No! George Soros has been paying her legal expenses.
I'm seventy years old years and consider myself a good judge of character. It's obvious to me Dr. Ford has a mental problem.
Her lawyers said in the hearing they don't expect to be paid, it's all pro-bono. So what is the Go Fund Me account for? Maybe Dr. Ford will use the money for more vacation flying? From what she said in the hearing she should certainly have lots of frequent flyer miles. Funny how she overcomes her fear of flying when it's vacation time!
- Did you believe dr ford when she said she was doing this out of civic duty? I believe her about the claim of sexual assault but i do not believe she is doing this out of a sense of civic duty or that to her, it wasn't politically motivated. not that i blame her really, could you imagine if she had done this during the clinton presidency era? It would have been laughed at and dismissed out of hand
- Can the sources of money placed into a Go-Fund-Me account be revealed? That would seem appropriate in the case of Dr. Ford's receiving over $530,000 as a reward for her "testimony".