Did Brett Kavanaugh know that Christine Blasey Ford was 17 when he harassed her?
Did Brett Kavanaugh know that Christine Blasey Ford was 17 when he harassed her?
She was 15
Ford's "witness" of the incident says it didn't happen… That doesn't concern you?
15? 16? Even she doesn't know. LOL
She doesn't know exactly when it happened so how would you know?
Demorats want something to be true so bad that they make it up. Deranged no?
Tough to know… Since it never happened.
That's a loaded question;
Ford's school days were probably not as innocent as you might think.
It is also a coincidence how the above-mentioned year books were removed from the Internet. I believe her old tweets were similarly removed recently. Could that be an attempted cover-up?
Also, there seems to be an approximate two year age gap between Kavanaugh and Ford so ages of 15 and 17 are likely. If she could remember which year, which party etc we might have a better understanding.
Strange how it was a serious issue for her in 2012 but now she seems quite unclear about the details.
Unless Ford's story has changed yet again, the last I heard she said she was 14 (or 15) and he was 17.
- If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1 If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
- Did you know Trumpsters are posting photos that supposedly show Christine Blasey Ford with George Soros, Harvey Weinstein,& Bill Clinton? One is of a Ukrainian human rights activist The rest are actually Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ford-george-soros/ To geniuses Jeffrey and "?" - the photo of Gillibrand and Weinstein were years before the allegations.
- Christine Blasey Ford says. She has no idea where, when ( not even a year ) but says her witnesses will back her up, now those 4 say? Sorry, Don't know here, never met her. Since grandstanding liberal politicians couldn't wait to get in front of the mic and say she's telling the truth and they believe her, will they now do the same to the witnesses she named who say "nope, never met her"?