Trucks finally running good, but still one prob id like to fix? - 1

It is an 1989 ford bronco 2. When you open up the hood at night, you can see the plugs sparking and the spark plugs sparking, more like the spark is coming from inside the plug wires, and inside the spark plugs. I honestly don't know hows the best way to explain it. My power problems were coming from the tank and fuel pump and i fixed that, but, iv noticed that my spark plugs and plug wires are still sparking. I decided to change the coil cause spark was coming from there as well, and they are still seeming to spark… I changed the spark plugs 2 times, plug wires 3, and even put my newer distributor cap on it. My question is what else could it be? And don't say anything about the plug gap like some of yall done told me, cause there brand new, and i didn't have have this problem the 1st time i changed them. There gap is the appropriate size they need to be. Any help is appreciated

Are you using high quality plug wires or just cheapies?

If you can see sparks there's a hell of a bad piece of insulation - you are asking for a fire.

Sounds like you've tried all of the obvious approaches to solve the reason your electricity wants to ground on your engine block and not via the gap in your plugs. However, a decent thread is here, with the moral to the thread taking it to the dealer and let them perform their diagnostic. But, the thread does give some additional ideas to waste time on