Are we better off than 50 years ago?
I remember 50 years ago my hourly pay was $1.85. A gallon of gasoline was about 50 cents.A loaf of bread and a quart of milk about 25 cents each.Coffee at a restaurant was 10 cents. Where I live the minimum wage is $10 per hour now. If I calculate my monthly pension over 160 hours per month then it works out to be about $7.50 per hour or the minimum wage of more than 20 years ago.Right now a loaf of bread costs more or less $2 and a liter of milk about the same and coffee at a restaurant is about $1.50. What did the unions and their strikes really accomplish? Our Ford factory closed down 3 years ago.Canada Post is nearly finished.
I'm sure a lot of things are better. The first answer has given many examples.Yet as far as the economy and family life we're not better off.Yes cars are better in many ways but they are also 10 times the price.
I think things must have been better
now i see moms with little kids completely ignored while mom is playing on her smart phones, not talking to their kids,
i seem friends at mall ignoring each other, just looking on their phones
i see people driving and texting
i see people paying $100 a month for phones, cable, internet, etc
when i was little my grandma used to sit in the front porch and talk to neighbors
Yes. The internet.
- What is leftist icon Christine Ford up to these days? Is she still making up lies about people touching her 35 years ago? Or did she just take the money, and run? ANON- so people donated money to her because she was "assaulted", and she in turn donates that same money to people who were assaulted?
- What is Ford's excuse for not reporting this alleged crime 36 years ago when a proper investigation could have been done? Even if you say that the police would have not taken it seriously back then, it would still have been on file and came up during the FBI background check.
- When see Lexus.does this translate as I'm better than you.cause I'm so smarter than you? I mean "Chevy" to me says." I'm dumb and proud to be an American"? What about Ford? WHAT ABOUT JUST "TOYOTA"? (I'm SMARTER THAN ALL OF YOU!"? BUT HOW TRUE?)
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?