Are all women united against Judge Kavanaugh and are all men united against Christine Blasey Ford?
Are all women united against Judge Kavanaugh and are all men united against Christine Blasey Ford?
No… The split is between democrats and everyone else. Forget about the republicans, even the independents will be on Kavanaugh side on this one.
I hope it isn't split like that… I like to believe that the public in general is better than that.
The breakdown isn't by gender. If you like Trump, you like Kavanaugh and think that Ford is lying. If you dislike Trump, you dislike Kavanaugh, and think that Ford is telling the truth. When you get right down to it, the allegations are irrelevant. It's really all just a referendum on Trump. Kavanaugh is just a proxy.
No, Democrats believe Ford and Republicans believe Kavanaugh
Not at all.
- Wouldn't women like Dr. Ford feel safer when they were drunk if OSHA stopped violent men like those in the NFL from hitting each other? And calling it play. Shouldn't women have that right to feel safe? You can call this "highlight films" but they are just rich men being violent which a civilized government would stop
- Should AG Sessions extend US Marshal protection to Dr. Ford and any other women being threatened for testifying about Judge Kavanaugh? Kavanaugh is receiving protection from the US Marshals. Dr. Ford has to pay for her own protection. This is despicable.
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?
- If feminists are so concerned with men treating women badly and raping them, how come they support Islam? In Saudi Arabia, women must wear black polyester in the hot sun all day and must obey their husbands otherwise they can be beaten in public. Except, feminists never say anything about this even though that is 12,000x worse than anything that is happening in the US. How is the President having a private conversation or Christine Ford making up fairytales somehow more important than governments sending women to death for not listening to their husbands?