Am I the only liberal in America that thinks Christine Blasey Ford was lying and being paid to sabotage Kavanaugh?

Am I the only liberal in America that thinks Christine Blasey Ford was lying and being paid to sabotage Kavanaugh?

Yes you are. But welcome to clear thinking.



You just might be

You're not a liberal, if you were you wouldn't go anonymous.

No, but you may be the only one willing to admit it.

No one could have ever paid her enough to risk her career and reputation. Just because his friend and roommate lied about being there and not helping her doesn't mean she lied. But it's beyond that anyway. His inability to control his anger, deflect questions, lies about his overdrinking which was verified by Yale classmates and conspiracy theories should have made him unqualified for the honor of the highest court.

You must be the one liberal who didn't get the instruction to not ever contradict the democrat leadership. You do know that every day, the democrat leadership is furnished a memo with the day's talking points on it. So, they include that in with their general comments, but use the same words in the talking point memo So, conservatives do a montage of all of the speeches from the democrat leadership for that day, and they are all repeating the same words that they memorized from the instruction. It looks bad.

No, most realized her testimony was seriously flawed but were willing to still grasp at those straws to form as much of a strawman as was possible.

Nope, there are others but I do not think their were many who thought that. Most just followed the opinions and tactics of the Dems in Congress. Most formed and stuck to opinions before hearing facts as they came out. I do not know if Ford was lying or is she just had a faulty memory. On the other hand, I do believe the Dems in Congress made a conscious decision to release her allegation letter (against her strong request to remain anonymous) and then used her as a pawn in the political game.