Craiglist ad posting is pissing me off, how do i ad tags to a car sale ad without getting flagged?

So i'm making a for sale ad on craigslist and i'm trying to add tags to get my ad out there more but when i add tags and click next craiglist flags it and the following message appears:

Some required information is missing or incorrect.

Please correct the fields marked in red:

vehicle per posting -- please do not include keywords unrelated to the specific vehicle being listed. For example, if you are listing a Ford F-150, the terms "Chevy" and "Tacoma" should not appear

LIKE WTF? I tried adding my tags with periods, commas, etc between each tag even / but it still fkin flags it? How in the FK are other people able to ad tags and not get flagged like i'm?

Here is an example of how i'm trying to tag


Like i said i tried commas, periods, spaces, etc between each tag and craigslist still effing flags it WTF?

No way on earth "one vehicle per posting" can have all those tags as attributes. You're lucky they don't ban you altogether.

You are breaking their rules or something.

I only occasionally list anything and never have a problem.