Why is my F-250 stalling?

I have a 1991 Ford F-250 with the 5.8 engine. I've had trouble with it stalling and being hard or impossible to start. I changed the spark plugs and air filter and it sat in the garage for 2 months because it wouldn't start. I replaced the fuel pressure regulator the other day and got it started. On the way to work, it died. It would start and run for a few seconds but the battery seemed to be dying fast. I finally started it and revved the crap out of it and made it to work. No problems on the way home. I think my alternator may be a bit weak. Could that be what's making it die? I also have a check engine light on but haven't found a free tester that works on a '91 Ford. It seems to run nice and smooth when it's running.

Big Fords are famous for corroding the INSIDE of the positive ( red wire ) battery cable clamp. Pop that terminal off the post, then scrape the INSIDE of the clamp & the sides of the battery post with the blade from a small pocket knife or such. If that helps, most all car parts stores have a small wire brush designed just for that task…

Hi so how much longer would you expect a now 24 year old truck to last designed to be used for just 8 years it has served well and needs to be retired don't you think.
so old age and engine wear is why now it has become useless.

You need to make sure the alternator is putting out 13.7 volts or more. Use a volt meter at the battery posts. You may have leaking fuel injectors or who knows what going on. You need the codes read. I'd find a good Ford mechanic to fix your truck before you end up with gasoline in the oil and ruin the bearings.

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