2001 Ford Taurus stalling?

Ok so lately my cars been stalling randomly, all I do when it stalls is hop out, pop my hood open, hop back in the car and start it back up and it turns over just fine, I kid you not all I do is pop the hood and it starts up just fine, I don't touch anything under the hood or mess with anything, literally just pop the hood and it starts back up, any answers as to what's going on with my car?

We can guess all day and give you a thousand wrong guesses. If you want the truth, pull the OBD2 trouble codes. They point right where the trouble is.

Just leave the hood closed and restart the motor when it stalls. You probably have a bad Air idle control motor.

Sounds like a loose wire somewhere. When you hit a pothole, you knock it loose. When you get out, open and close the hood, and get back in, you knock it back in place.

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