What i should try to do to convince a car company to sell me its concept cars?

There are many concept cars I see and think "man I would love that" and I know that concept cars usually go the way of the crusher, so I'm wondering, anybody know what I should do if I wanted to buy a concept vehicle and protect it from the crusher? Say I wanted to buy the Jeep Nukizer or Mighty FC, or some of the Ford or Chevy concepts that are so interesting. What would I do if I wanted to buy them?

Even if it were possible, you would need a LOT of money. Then you couldn't drive them because they are not fully built out, with full legal emissions controls and other legal requirements. Then if it needed repairs there would be no parts for it. In some cases, concept cars don't even run.

Forget about it. There are many reasons they do not sell them and foremost is probably that trade secret equipment is tried in them. Beyond that, they are not and never will be legal for driving on the streets; the certification costs would be staggering. Of course, if they spent tens of millions on designing and building the prototype, how much do you think they would sell it for?

"… What would I do if I wanted to buy them?"

Have several million in the bank, for a start.

On the very rare occaisons that companies have sold their concept cars, only multli-millionaires (or billionaires) have bought them, because they are the only people who can afford them.

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