What should i do if i have an idea for Ford Motor Company cars?

I have an idea for Ford Cars. It's sort of sub-division of cars, but it's for Ford. I don't know who to contact or what business steps to take. I love Mustangs. It's just an idea without any preparation (ex: model). I wanna make sure I have representation of my idea. By the way, I'm only fifteen.

Owners of intellectual property, including Ford, don't want to know about your idea, not because it sucks (although there's always that chance), but because they don't want to wind up owing you money if they happen to go in that same direction. (See Buchwald v. Paramount.)

They have hundred of people on full time jobs to come up with ideas. Yours would naturally go to the bottom of the pile.

If you think you have a good idea, make it yourself. If it is good, they will hear about it and they will call you.
If they don't, it may be because your idea is not that good after all.