With Democrat politicians vowing to impeach Kavanaugh, do they realize that more members of even their own party are disgusted by?
How low these Dems will stoop to for power?
Everyone saw how desperate Dems were to block the confirmation.
They called him evil just after the nomination. Held the Ford's letter for weeks before leaking it to public, Then more baseless sexual assault allegations from more women who were even less credible than Ford,
Then they brought up beer problem, then judicial temperament and finally allowing far left protestors to disturb the confirmation process by screaming in the Senate.
If they were really smart, they would leave this issue and move on to more productive stuff
Sort of like the Republicans when they refused to even allow hearings for Garland?
Your "outrage" is more than a little forced.
Unbelievable what we see going on, right? These people are crazed, irrational, emotionally unstable, prone to violence.essentially they're communist
If it's definitely proven that Kavanaugh lied during hearings they will have a hard time not impeaching him.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- Is the FBI waiting to interview Ford until they have more info, or avoiding interviewing her because they don't wnat to interview Kavanaugh? If they interview Ford, they will have to interview Kavanaugh as well. Are they avoiding it because they don't want to put Kavanaugh in further legal jeopardy?
- Does anyone actually believe a stud like Kavanaugh would even party with an ugly duckling like Christine Ford? He probably didn't even realize she even existed. Probably walked right past her in the hallways.
- 21 days left. How many more examples do voters need in their faces on yet another democrat revealing their true self behind the scenes? In public… They lie, twist facts and spon the hell out of truth to make themselves look good for a vote. Then what? Oh yea, if they win, they toss you under the buss ( just like Christine Ford ) until the next vote. WHO NOW JUST GOT CAUGHT? >>>