Why wouldn't Christine Blasey Ford name the other boy in the house, was he the culprit and the house was his home?

Why wouldn't Christine Blasey Ford name the other boy in the house, was he the culprit and the house was his home?

Added (1). She knows who the boy is as she claimed they dated.

The FBI is about to tell us everything that we need to know

She doesn't really remember. The three she did name all say it didn't happen.

I can believe something happened to her, but over time she's filled in the details with the wrong people.

I'd like to know where the hell all the parents were…

She jacked him off earlier so he wasn't a suspect

Have somebody shove a dildo up your *** and then tell me what you remember.

In her testimony she named Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, a boy named P.J., and one other boy whose name she couldn't recall

It didn't happen

She didn't even know when, where or who was there.

Dr. Ford didn't name Kavanaugh during her therapy sessions with the therapist. She came up with the name from all the media hoopla/commotion over Kavanaugh's nomination. Her best friend & her never personally knew & met Kavanaugh in high school. Dr. Ford must have had an infatuation about some boys hanging out with girls between the two gender specific Catholic Private Schools that she now described as elite, deep inside she craved to be with the crowd, though not to the point of Fatal Attraction obsession. She's hiding something by not naming the boy. The boy, now a man can either corroborate or repute the event ever occurred. She's could be trying to contact & cohere the man to corroborate her accounts.

Ever heard about false memory syndrome.

The polygraph was a joke as it only ask 2 question pertaining to if her written statement was true.

If the polygraph ask line by line & ask for who was there, she would have give names, & recount what she can recollect from memory while wire up.

Here's the lying aspect of her psyche, She can't remember showing her therapist notes to the Washington post journalist 2 months ago. She couldn't remember when & where she took the polygraph test. In her account assumed there were conversations downstairs, but admit she didn't here anything, yet she couldn't remember how she got to the house got home from the house that's like 6+ miles away ( somebody drove her). Her original text doesn't match her letter to Feinsteine. She acted surprise about being offered for Senate Committee to interview her in California when the offer was all over the news (she was in Delaware the whole time) the way she picked up Kavanaugh's name with help from Feinstein's staff, Feinstein recommended lawyers, & Feinstein herself.