Why wasn't christine Blasey-ford arrested for Perjury after it was proven she lied about her entire story?

Why wasn't christine Blasey-ford arrested for Perjury after it was proven she lied about her entire story?

She never lied.

Because it wasn't proven she lied about her entire story.

Glad I could help.

No such thing was proven. It was only proven that the FBI couldn't prove anything in the few days it had to investigate an incident that had taken place years prior

She didn't lie, but Kavanaugh did.

It's hard to lie about the "entire" story when she didn't remember half of it to begin with. ~ Go Figure ~

In her particular case, the events she described supposedly happened almost 40 years ago. Proving them was impossible but so was disproving them. To prosecute her for perjury would have required disproving her claims.

It was never proven that she lied about even one thing under oath. Not one thing.

There's no evidence that she committed perjury.