Why some people hate Ford?
Why some people hate Ford? - 1
Silly question. Why do some people hate broccoli?
Simple because they are
F - Found
O - Off
R - Road
D - Dead
There's always somebody who will hate anything./everything
I find myself a fan of Dodge Cars and Ford Trucks and this simply comes from experience in driving them and seeing what other companies use them as their company vehicles. Police departments nationwide use Dodge Chargers as their patrol vehicles and I drive a dodge challenger, handles great, good speed and overall comfort. I like Ford Trucks because a majority of our emergency services in my area (mountainous area prone to snow and bad weather) use ford models to get around in. I drive a 2010 Ford F250 King Ranch Twin Turbo Super Diesel and love it to death, no problems out of it, I've pulled several vehicles out of tough spots and it handles great in the snow. All vehicles are prone to problems if you don't take care of them. I regularly change the fluids and check up on critical areas. I will admit that Ford ball joints tend to go out any time after 100k miles but my extended warranty covers that when/ if the time comes. I've had a 1997 ford explorer that the balljoints didn't go out until nearly 150k miles. But on the other hand I have Chevys with a passion, no factual reason, but you have to have a brand that you love and hate and I hate Chevy's lol
You tell me - my mum had a Ford Focus for over 10 years and nothing went wrong with it, it was a good car.
- Why don't car companies remake some of their classic car models if people like them so much? Of course safety is in mind because everyone would freak out if they didn't have a seat belt and air bags in every inch of the car, but why can't some of the companies just remake their best selling car models? Dodge could remake their 1948 Sedan and Ford could remake their 1949 Custom. I could list more but I can't think of any more classics.
- Why does Trump hate American car company Ford so much? Ford can't build 1 Billion dollar plant in Mexico and possibly now European car companies will win bids instead.
- Do some people really care that much about driving a really nice car? My dad is perfectly okay with his 1992 Ford Taurus with 210,000 miles on it, no heat (he lives in Chicago btw), no A/C, and a f::::ked up passenger side door. He's not poor by any means, he's a CFO of a bank. He just says that driving that P. Builds character and he only cares about having a car that can take him from point A to point B.
- Should there be some kind of punishment for Ford's lawyers for not telling her the senate judiciary committee offered to send people to? California so she could be interviewed there? Ford claimed under oath she was not told about this offer. Why did her lawyers keep this from her?