Why hasn't the Democrat operatives done their own investigation to corroborate the claims of Christine Blasey Ford's allegations?

Why hasn't the Democrat operatives done their own investigation to corroborate the claims of Christine Blasey Ford's allegations?

Why, just so you can ignore it?

The Judiciary Committee is already doing their own investigation. Have been since last week.
Guess who has refused to participate?

Yep. The Democrats

They would not bother with that because they already condemned Kavanagh as guilty.

I have another contract right now

That would require work

The Judiciary Committee are investigating. Her witnesses contradicted her claims.

Who are these "democratic operatives?" I find it amusing that any liberal who is the slightest bit critical of conservatives is suddenly an "operative". But then conspiracy theories are often based in fantasy.

They tried to scrub her social media, I bet they failed.