Why does Ford's attorney Katz spend her free time at anti-Trump rallies wearing t shirts that promote socialism?

Why does Ford's attorney Katz spend her free time at anti-Trump rallies wearing t shirts that promote socialism?

To search for new fake victims.

There's no rule that says all Americans must vote republican.

She is on George Soros' payroll, that's what globalists do.

If your legal practice depends on finding liars, that is the best place to troll for them. She can write off the cost of her shirt as a marketing expense.

Because we have freedom of speech and freedom of political association. We also have the right to protest a lousy president.

It shows what kind of person she is and what her agenda is.

Taking down the president and promoting socialism isn't what most Americans want.

Probably because she's an anti-Trump socialist. So what? Lots of people are anti-Trump, which is mostly related to his mouth and not his policies. Socialism is a failure everywhere it has been tried, but still her right to be one if she wants.

Katz must be a socialist