Why did some normal car models have so few made?

I'm talking about like a normal car that would be sold to citizens. Like a ford or something.
Where it's rare to see the car just because it didn't have that much models of it made?

Its possible that a car wasn't built as well as those of its competitors, or it was overpriced. A car might be too underpowered compared to what customers expect from it. There are a lot of reason why a car might not be popular.

Sometimes a good car might not sell in a certain market because of its badge. Imagine that you and your friends drive BMWs. And you see a Hyundai for sale, which has the same features and power as your BMW. But you might not buy it, because its a "lesser" badge and has less street cred.

Because it's competitor made a better car. And/Or the manufacturer just have that model just to fill that market.