Who won the game of telling the better sob story? Kavanaugh or Ford?

Who won the game of telling the better sob story? Kavanaugh or Ford?

Kavanaugh is so unbelievable. He thinks all the good he's done outweighs the wrong.

Women always win the sob story. Fortunately, the most of the jurors in this case are men, who filter out the sob story and look at the evidence

Ford testified she is "biologically predisposed" to mental illness.

Ford offered no evidence, no witnesses, no reason she kept this secret for 35 years and brought it forward just for his confirmation.
She can't recall the year, what house it was, how many people were in the room of the house and every single person she claimed was there said they never saw anything.

It's a lie and the little scared rabbit act doesn't pass the smell test.

By her own admission there was no penetration and her clothes were not removed so the worst that happened to her is she got felt up.

Well, she was afraid of traveling on a plane, but didn't have a problem going to Hawaii a year ago. So I have to question the Sudden restrictions. And she got Death Threats? Go figure-So did Kavanaugh.