Who's Trump going to blame for the 24,000 lost jobs at Ford Motor Company?

Who's Trump going to blame for the 24,000 lost jobs at Ford Motor Company?

That remains to be seen. But we know who he will NOT blame.

Yes lack of sales has nothing to do with it right? It HAS to be Trump's fault.

Watch Fox spin this to claim that the tariffs on steel had nothing to do with it.

The Buck Stops Somewhere Else

You looked at the overall unemployment numbers for Obama and not a particular company's lay-offs. That is when you were not suffering from Trump Derangement syndrome.

ABT: anyone but Trump

Someone else. Anyone else.


You mean the jobs that were lost due to the comany's decision to move away from sedans and towards SUV's and crossovers? The decision that was made a couple of years ago when Obama was still in office?

Blame Obozo. Oobozo wants to still take all the credit when things are good but what about the bad?