What would it mean if Christine Blasey Ford was given the Nobel Peace Prize?

What would it mean if Christine Blasey Ford was given the Nobel Peace Prize?

She would be as worthy of the prize as Obama was although Ford would probably be unlikely to kill thousands of civilians in bombing missions and drone attacks like Obama did.

For obviously lying and making false accusations against an innocent man?

It would mean the Norwegians have gone full AOC (i.e. Delusional).

Would mean the WHOLE THING is worthless now…

It would mean Donald Drumpf will go on a twitter tirade complaining how the Nobel Committee was corrupt and dishonest and how he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize more than anyone in history!

Never knew they gave out nobels for being a good liar

Absolutely nothing. The prize used to be given for contributions to world peace. Now it is NWO popularity award given to people who espouse far left wing values.

Global warming is not the crisis they claim.

It would mean Brett "I Dindu No Rapin'" Kavanaugh's days are numbered