What was the last thing a Republican did that made you proud of him? I can't think of one later than Ford?

What was the last thing a Republican did that made you proud of him? I can't think of one later than Ford?

Called Obama a liar to his face. And he was right.

I can't think of one?

Reagan's speech after the Challenger disaster made me feel proud of him -- "We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."

Trump lowered corporate taxes from almost the highest on earth and business returned to America.

Big Shock! Countries actually compete for business investment.

Reagan gave amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Trump eventually admitted that Obama was born in the US

One of the Senators from Colorado who I voted for, made me proud a few times, which is new for me.

Cory Gardner co-sponsored the STATES bill with Liz Warren to protect 10th amendment rights with respect to pot laws and others.

He also threatened to block Jeff Sessions DOJ nominees.

I generally approve of the fine line he walks, standing up for the people of our state.